Sunday, December 22, 2013

Isn't God cool?!

This Christmas season has been a little different from Christmases in the past.  To put it simply, we have a lot on our minds....and hearts.

It has been so special to spend time reading again about Jesus' birth and all that led up to that wondrous moment....the way God worked miracle after miracle with common, everyday people like you and me...all in preparation for the world to welcome his dearly loved Son.  Such a loving, amazing, undeserved gift!  As we near Christmas day I am so very thankful that God looked past all our dirty mess to offer his precious, spotless Son.

This week we have been busy here with a piano recital, cookie baking, preparing for family to visit, and wrapping gifts.  Amidst all this activity, there seems to be a continuous script running through the back of my mind.  It goes: "What is the next step?  What form do we need to fill out?  What fee do we need to pay?  What fundraisers do we need to plan?  What appointments do we need to schedule?", etc.  These thoughts are always present in my mind.  I also wonder where our little girl is right now: is she warm enough?, does she have enough to eat?, does she have anyone to hold her and rock her to sleep?, is she lonely?, is she scared? just keeps going like that through my head....and heart.

So today, as I began the process of wrapping gifts, I headed to the "wrapping bin" full of bags, boxes and bows with all these thoughts heavy on my heart.  As I was digging toward the bottom of the bin for that perfectly sized bow, I came
across this...

"Do not be anxious about anything; but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God.  Philippians 4:6

And that is why I titled this post "Isn't God cool?!"  I don't remember ever seeing this little plaque in our home.  It just showed up today in the wrapping paper bin as I was looking for a bow and feeling anxious about what our next step needs to be.  The next verse after this reads: "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."  Wow!  What a promise!  Give your worries to God, thank Him for all He has done and will do, and receive His peace!

Thank you, God, for hearing me, knowing me, loving me, and offering me this little gift today to remind me that you are right here with us and that the same hope you gave us many years ago in infant form is still here today!

Saturday, December 14, 2013


I never imagined that I would start a blog.  I've read other people's blogs and have learned a lot from them but I just never thought I would have anything interesting enough to share through a blog.  I didn't even know where to start!  That's been pretty much the statement that starts every conversation in my life these days...."I don't even know where to start!"  Maybe I should back up a bit and explain...

John and I have four children, three of whom are home with us full-time and one, part-time.  We have a beautifully blessed life!  A few years back, God called us to begin homeschooling our kids and he has been faithful to make that possible for us.  We've been very happy with our little home and our little family and had settled into a comfortable life "routine".  

As I look back now, I realize that when I start to feel comfortable and routine, it’s time to check in with God and make sure I am following the path He has for me.  Sure, He may be providing a season of rest and peace, and that's fine, as long as it is His plan for me.  But there is also the chance that I have let myself fall into a safe, routine life based on my own desire for comfort and predictability.  Actually, I remember a few months ago having conversations with John and telling him that I just felt like there was something bigger and deeper that God had for us....I just didn't know what it was....yet.

Then God began stirring our hearts and pointing our path in a new direction.  He placed people, conversations, books, sermons, lessons, articles, songs, etc. into our lives at various places that each pointed us toward that "bigger, deeper" thing he was asking us to do.  It seemed that everywhere we turned there was a "nudge" from God waiting, leading further and further out of our comfort zone and closer to the plan he has laid out.  God was calling us to open our hearts and lives to a precious child!  So here we are, in the process of adopting a sweet daughter from China!!!  We are beyond excited to be preparing our lives and hearts for the addition of another amazing child.

Over the coming months we will be filling out mountains of paperwork, fundraising like crazy, and checking off the list of things to do before we can be matched with the little girl God has for our family.  As we move through the process, we will use this blog to keep you all updated on our family's happenings.

We are so happy to be sharing this part of our lives with all of you.  We really need you!  We need your prayers most of all.  Please pray that His work through us will be accomplished as He wills it.  Please ask your family and friends to help us pray.  Finally, if the Lord so directs your heart to any financial level....please hear His voice.  We welcome your support in whatever way the Lord leads you.