Here she is outside her orphanage. She is wearing the pink shoes we sent her back in May!
When we asked her caregivers what her favorite toys were, they said she loves toys that make music! I can already see her and Khilyn dancing and singing together. They both love music!
The boys were excited to see her choice of toy for this picture! She's about to enter a world of superheroes, legos, and ninjas. I hope she is ready!
It is so good seeing her sweet face and noticing all the tiny little changes since May. Her hair has grown a little bit longer and fuller. She seems taller already too. We asked for more information about Emsley's personality and were told that she is "extremely obedient and quiet". We wondered how much of that is due to the circumstances of her life so far and how much is really her "personality". This a very rare description of an almost two-year-old! We pray that once she is part of our family, she will feel more free to explore, make noise, and express her desires.
One thing that has remained constant in every picture we have received, though, is the very serious and almost worried look on her face. Her almost two years of life have been so difficult and she has spent far too long without the love of a family! Our hearts long for the day that her face will show a genuine smile, when she will finally know how deeply she is loved and cherished.
We are at the end of the paperwork process and have approximately 6-8 weeks before we will meet our daughter! We've started the packing list, freezer meal preparations, and "nesting" house cleaning! We still have the last of our expenses to pay (i.e. - flights, last agency fees) and need to raise about $5,000 more to cover that. We are praying continually that we will have all we need when the time comes. God has provided for our needs so far through friends, family, fundraisers, work bonuses, overtime pay, tax refunds, Craigslist sales, side jobs and finding creative ways to save more each month! Our God is faithful and we give him the praise!