My little girl, Khilyn, is not a good sleeper. She gets out of bed and comes to our room at least once nearly every night. Usually she just wants a drink or a hug but one night recently she woke up from a nightmare and came running through the house, crying. She was calling for her Daddy and kept repeating "Daddy's gone". As I scooped her up in my arms and carried her into our bedroom to show her that Daddy was there, a powerful truth struck me. It was so easy for me to take away my little girl's fears by just showing her that Daddy was right there in the bed and that she was only having a bad dream. But how many precious children around the world wake up to the reality that Daddy or Mommy or both really are gone.....and aren't coming back? My heart broke yet again for the fatherless.
Aren't we thankful that our Father won't ever leave or be too busy or be distracted or forget about us. Our God is here with us all the time, in every situation, at every moment, through every bad dream. I am so thankful for a God who cares deeply about every detail of every moment of every day I face. He always stands ready to sweep me up into his arms and remind me that he's got me. He isn't going anywhere!
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